The Most Powerful Mobile Crane In The World - ILEEB

The Most Powerful Mobile Crane In The World

The Most Powerful Mobile Crane in the World

Bit of weird news article to write? Well here at ILEEB we were discussing what mobile crane we think would win in a drag race. We ran into some minor problems. The first being where would we drag race two mobile cranes, the second being where would we get two mobile cranes from and who in their right mind was let us race them. Anyway we’ve decided to compromise with talking about the most powerful mobile crane in the world. So here we go….


The Liebherr LTM 11200

The LTM 11200-9.1 is both the the strongest and tallest telescopic crane in the world, lifting up to 1,200 tons, that’s roughly 4 Boeing 747’s !!! 

Its eight-part telescoping boom extends up to 328 feet (50 feet taller than the last record holder) and, with the addition of a lattice jib, has a maximum lift height of 630 feet, that’s two thirds of the way up the Eiffel Tower! Despite its 445,000 pounds of counter-weight, when the LTM 11200 is picking up 2 million+ pounds, it can only extend about eight feet laterally without tipping.

The crane is powered by a separate 6-cylinder 240kW engine equivalent to around 350BHP (in addition to the 500kW engine that runs the 65-foot, 9-axle carrier). Its 100 ton boom is as long as the truck itself and actually has to be shipped separately when moving job sites. Luckily, the carrier isn’t much wider than a normal big rig, which means that it can travel where other large cranes can’t—like into fields, where the wind turbines live. Although i don’t think it would do awfully well in a drag race it’s still one hell of a machine!


Mobile Crane

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