The Most Powerful Mobile Crane In The World
What is the most powerful mobile crane in the world? Well the answer to that question is the Liebherr LTM 11200 and it stretches 2/3 the way up the Eiffel tower and can in theory lift 4 747 planes.
What is the most powerful mobile crane in the world? Well the answer to that question is the Liebherr LTM 11200 and it stretches 2/3 the way up the Eiffel tower and can in theory lift 4 747 planes.
ILEEB are proud to offer the worlds first online portable lifting equipment inspection course, commonly known as a LOLER online course
back to all Why Chose The ILEEB Accreditation? The International Lifting Equipment Engineers Bureau (ILEEB) is the home of all things lifting. Through the platform
back to all Why Do I Need To Have A Lifting Equipment Inspection? Before we get to the statutory inspection of lifting equipment it is
back to all WHAT IS LOLER 1998? LOLER stands for The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998. LOLER is in place to ensure organisations
back to all The ILEEB Accreditation The Lifting Equipment Accreditation to Have ILEEB – The International Lifting Equipment Engineers Bureau is the go to lifting