LOLER stands for The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998. LOLER is in place to ensure organisations who operate or have control over lifting equipment and lifting accessories have a set standard and procedure they must work to. In simple terms LOLER is to ensure that all Lifting Equipment is suitable and safe for use. However, Lifting Equipment isn’t solely governed by LOLER but in most cases is also covered by the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER).
The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) require that all lifting operations involving lifting equipment and lifting accessories must be properly planned out by a competent person. The regulations also ensure that lifting equipment is fit for purpose in relation to the appropriate task it is required to carry out.
The Lifting Operation and Lifting Equipment Regulations also ensure that all lifting operations are required to be planned out, carried out and supervised by a competent person. You may be asking what is a competent person? Well a competent person is someone with sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge. Competency can be determined through things such as training courses and level of experience. To put it into perspective a competent person in a lifting operation is an individual who has sufficient theoretical and practical knowledge to ensure that a lifting operation is carried out safely and successfully in accordance with LOLER.
Not only do The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) cover Lifting Operations they also demand all lifting equipment and lifting accessories are properly maintained, Inspected and marked to ensure that is is fit for it’s requirement. This is why the thorough examination and inspection of lifting equipment fall under the LOLER. A thorough examination and inspection under LOLER ensures that a competent person must check the lifting equipment at set intervals to look for any possible defects. If you would like to have your local legislation explained either click here to contact us or click here to learn more about memberships
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